Bump J feat. Kanye West, Rhymefest & Keyshia Cole – Pusha Man (Remix)
KiD CuDi feat. Wale - Is There Any Love
How are you going to call yourself my best friend and not be up on Wale? I'm mad. By request....
-- Nikki Giovanni
While we're pushing for a better world check out the i'm Initiative. I saw an ad for it on Pandora and was sucked in because this guy looked hilarious and I thought the i'm Talkathon was legitimately some guy blogging and AIM-ing and facebooking for 30 days straight...aka my life.
C_o_m_m_o_n feat. P_h_a_r_r_e_l_l - AnnouncementThe i’m™ Initiative from Microsoft™ makes helping social causes easy. Every time
you use Windows Live™ Messenger or Windows Live Hotmail®, our free webmail service, we'll share a portion of our advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective social cause organizations. Exactly how much will we share with our partner causes? Well, that’s up to you and the growing masses of registered i’m Initiative users. The more messages you send, the more we give.
-- Does Obama back ethanol? I think it's tragic it takes our big country forever to get the wheels in motion for fossil fuel alternatives and when we finally do we're all "Doh! We use corn for food too?" Rising food prices, apocalyptic flooding in the bread basket, crazy subsidies, and government guidelines for the amount of corn that has to go towards ethanol production....it's enough to make you want to splurge on a hydrogen car.Then there's the gold medal level of resilience, which Steinhardt refers to as "stepping up." This is when you do whatever it takes to meet a challenge and in the process you advance to an even higher level of functioning and wellbeing. You are thriving rather than just surviving.
"When we talk about resilient people," says Steinhardt, "we refer to 'the three C's.' These individuals see challenge as an opportunity, not occasion for fight or flight. They have a strong value system and are genuinely committed to the people in their lives and to the activities in which they're involved.
"And, finally, they have a sense of control and believe they have the power to influence things and make things better—they don't feel like victims and lack initiative. A resilient person is like a tree that's branches are flexible and bend with the wind rather than crack and break under pressure."
With one hand still gripping the handle of the gun, he now puts his hand to my chest. "Why don't you sit your ass down and watch how it's done?"
I take two steps backward and sit on the couch, also a gift from the church. An apple-faced white woman wearing a tie-dyed shirt brought it the day Achor Achor and I moved in. She apologized that it hadn't preceded our arrival. The people from the church were often apologizing.
I stare up at Powder and I know who he brings to mind. The soldier, an Ethiopian and a woman, shot two of my companions and almost killed me. She had the same wild light in her eyes, and she first posed as our savior. We were fleeing Ethiopia, chased by hundreds of Ethiopian soldiers shooting at us, the River Gilo full of our blood, and out of the high grasses she appeared. Come to me, children! I am your mother! Come to me! She was only a face in the grey grass, her hands outstretched, and I hesitated. Two of the boys I was running with, boys I had found on the bank of the bloody river, they both went to her. And when they drew close enough, she lifted an automatic rifle and shot through the chests and stomachs of the boys. They fell in front of me and I turned and ran. Come back! she continued. Come to your mother!
In his history of 19th-century America, “What Hath God Wrought,” Daniel Walker Howe quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson as telling a meeting of the Mercantile Library Association in 1844 that “America is the country of the future. It is a country of beginnings, of projects, of vast designs and expectations.”That’s the America that got swallowed by the war on terrorism. And it’s the America that many people want back. I have no idea whether Obama will win in November. Whether he does or doesn’t, though, the mere fact of his nomination has done something very important. We’ve surprised ourselves and surprised the world and, in so doing, reminded everyone that we are still a country of new beginnings.The second is "The Great Seduction" from David Brooks and it basically touches on how Americans have lost their ever loving minds with credit cards and all around over-spending. I hate to say it but the sub prime housing crisis is not solely on the evil doers who scammed grandmas into fixed rate mortages -- why did that grandma think she could get the Beverly Hills house on a hillbilly salary?! No offense to hillbillies... But Americans have led the way in ridiculous spending habits -- you know if you can't pay your rent you should not be buying that new Fendi. It's a great article and a wake up call. Just educating yourself on the latest 401 (k) options (see article 3) isn't enough, we need to educate our peers. The class divisions are getting deeper and wider with every paycheck -- shouldn't we all be doing our part to bring up everybody? A chain is a strong as its weakest link?
The agents of destruction are many. State governments have played a role. They aggressively hawk their lottery products, which some people call a tax on stupidity. Twenty percent of Americans are frequent players, spending about $60 billion a year. The spending is starkly regressive. A household with income under $13,000 spends, on average, $645 a year on lottery tickets, about 9 percent of all income. Aside from the financial toll, the moral toll is comprehensive. Here is the government, the guardian of order, telling people that they don’t have to work to build for the future. They can strike it rich for nothing.
Finally is more of a super informative public service announcement: "A Primer for Young People Starting Their First Job." Educate your minds and then share the wealth.
(A really talented young female who found fame with JD through YouTube)
M_a_r_i_a_h feat. Wayne and Akon - Bye Bye (remix)
K_a_r_i_n_a Pasian - 16 at War
I posted this a while ago but it's been getting more recognition lately and has grown on me like...mold on bread? HA, I got nothing. Anyway it's a FAB song, although when modifying it for singing in my car "21" has an extra syllable so it doesn't flow the same...
NERD feat. S_a_n_t_o_g_o_l_d and Julian - My Drive T_h_r_u
John L_e_g_e_n_d feat. A_n_d_r_e - Green Light
I can't get enough of 3000 these days. Have you ever been listening to music when you're sitting behind a lens that powerfully restricts what you want to listen to? More specifically what happens when you don't want to hear songs demoralizing sex and "love?" What happens when you don't want to hear songs idealizing relationships OR songs about breaking up (well....less often...)? I'll tell you what happens: you end up splitting your time between gospel, Outkast (with that I'll include Goodie Mob), and jazz. I don't want to hear Marvin just as much as I don't want to hear Whitney, Kelly, James, Donny, and Wayne. Sometimes my girls Carrie, Taylor, Mariah, and Bey might get me energized but ehhhh...still. The other night in the club I was so geeked when something came on besides all the bust-it-baby-esque songs, even if it was Jeezy. If only Houston clubs did the Houston throwback mixes like everybody else... I heard some old Z-Ro driving around Detroit and subsequently nearly killed myself and my coworker.
W_a_l_e - Hey Mr. Carter (remix)
*screams again* Mr. Carter is one of my favorite tracks off the not-the-greatest-ever Carter III ( which has sold well over a million -- I almost said a millie. Time for the remixes to cease and desist.) Wale is certainly included in my list of tolerable, listenable-despite-my-mindset artists (as is Blu, the Roots, etc -- I feel like that goes without saying though?) and his Mixtape About Nothing has been getting heavy play on Ipod Jr.
"The Seven Deadly Sins: Wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, and politics without principle." -- Mahatma Ghandi
"Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is the right thing to do." - Justice Potter Stewart
"It is not an adequate ethical standard to aspire to get through the day without being indicted." - Richard Breeden
"It takes less time to do a thing right then to explain why you did it wrong." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
" A person of character takes as much trouble to discover what is right as the lesser men take to discover what will pay."-- Confucius
Accusing the times is but excusing ourselves.-- English Proverb
"Character is how you act when you think no one is watching, but conscience is the inner voice that warns us that someone may be." -- Michael Josephson
"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud." - Sophocles
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." - Ephesians 6:12
But Ephesians 6:12 said it wasn't flesh and blood that we wrestle against
Principalities, powers of this world
Rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness
In high places, so throw that whole armor of righteousness
There are a million others I didn't mention but who I still love (Craig David, James Blunt, etc) but this post has been in the works too long and my schedule hasn't been too kind to blogging so whatev.