....McCain's choice of Paulin has me completely bamboozled.
....Russia's president Dmitry Medvedev made major headlines this week for recognizing the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, two territories that broke away from Georgia. Word is Russia might absorb these. Condoleezza Rice and other officials from the US and EU spoke out strongly against Russia's actions as of late as the decision to recognize the regions goes against several UN Security Council resolutions that Russia voted for and exacerbates tensions in the area. Looks like Russia is going to be in the doghouse at the next G8 meeting. Seriously though US officials said in this Financial Times article that they wouldn't push Russia on this and Russia said basically "we don't want another Cold War....but wherever this goes..." Man, wouldn't be nice if we had substantial reserves with our military power and budget in case we needed it? :-|
President Medvedev, in the same edition of FT, wrote what I thought was a great editorial explaining Russia's actions. (Read it here) He says that Russia knew the severity of its decisions before it announced them but due to recent injustices (and atrocities) against these people because of their ethnic background and historical circumstances, Russia felt it was the right thing to do.
"Meanwhile, ignoring Russia’s warnings, western countries rushed to recognise Kosovo’s illegal declaration of independence from Serbia. We argued consistently that it would be impossible, after that, to tell the Abkhazians and Ossetians (and dozens of other groups around the world) that what was good for the Kosovo Albanians was not good for them. In international relations, you cannot have one rule for some and another rule for others."His editorial is much more specific, and I'll let you read it as I'm no expert in Russian history and relations. In researching Georgia I saw that it became the Kingdom of Georgia in 1008. A millenium?! Is there a celebration going on for that? There should be. 2776 it's going DOWN in America!
.... I got my new computer. My dance company friends, who are all Apple stans, tried to say any PC was a bad choice, but my new Sony Vaio SR came in the mail today and is a dream. The ads said "Supermodel meets Supercomputer." Hell-o love. The Sony Style store has great promotions going on right now as Sony just released several new lines of computer and are trying to be a bit more aggressive in their price points to compete with the HP's and Dell's of the world. I did an insane amount of research and I'm so geeked up this new machine.
....The Olympics concluded. There's a lot of talk about how to determine who "won." Is it the country who got the most gold medals (China -which is how most of the world reports medals) or the country with the most medals overall (US - which is how the US reports, not surprisingly)? Freakonomics reported that Jamaica had the most gold medals with 2.2 gold medals per million people.
"By this metric, the U.S. came in 33rd, and the host nation, China, came 47th. Indeed, the real puzzle from the 2008 Olympics is why the United States is so terrible at transforming raw talent — the millions of Americans born every year — into world champion material. Moreover, the puzzle deepens once one accounts for the fact that, living in one of the world’s richest nations, U.S. athletes have unparalleled access to the latest training technology.".... MGNT - "Kids" (Soulwax Nite Version) : So fresh. (source)