Friday, February 29, 2008

Obama-crazy! and co turned out another video in support of Obama. How's that for timing? Meanwhile Hillary is playing on fears which isn't nearly as cool. It's just as powerful as "Yes We Can" but at a certain point it's almost cult-like. Yeah, I said it. "He's almost like a revival for some people's souls?!" Whoah there. What is it about this guy that makes people turn out in such a fierce fashion? The Clinton camp is probably asking the same thing. It's chilling to watch though and certainly makes me feel inspired. Mission accomplished? I hope our generation can stay this galvanized - no matter what happens - we're going to need that energy to get out of the mess we're in. I also hope that when I'm older my guns will be as big as Regina King's. Wow is that woman in shape. Kerry Washington meanwhile is still apparently trying to figure out what a president does in general. She kinda missed the insightful mark. :/

Gnarls Barkley is back doing the whole retro thing that's hot right now. I fully support this!

Uploaded by minimp3center

Also, this preview for "The Love Guru" popped up because of Justin Timberlake at the end but I'm interested to see how this Austin Powers 4 cover plays out in reviews...I laughed at their handshake, can't even lie.

Finally, check out this "Oddly Enough" story that my gmail showed me. Wow:

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